Sterile Acupuncture Needles
Sterile acupuncture needles are an ancient healing practice of acupuncture. Our high-quality sterile acupuncture needles are made from high-quality surgical-grade stainless steel. You can use these needles for back pain (joint pain relief), dental pain, tension headache, migraine, lower back pain, labor pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, and menstrual cramps.
What do the Needles in Acupuncture Do?
In acupuncture, tiny needles are put into the skin in certain places, such as the back, neck, head, and face. It aims to help with health problems or discomfort, such as pain. This method of healing originated in traditional Chinese medicine.
Features of Sterile Acupuncture Needles
- Dry Needling: Dry needles are specifically designed for dry needling therapy. This technique targets muscle trigger points to relieve pain and restore mobility. These needles penetrate the skin, stimulating the tissues and the body’s natural healing process.
- Precision: These filiform needles are crafted precisely, ensuring accurate insertion and reducing the risk of tissue damage or discomfort. Their smooth surface and rounded tips glide effortlessly, making your therapy sessions pain-free and safe.
- Durability and Sterility: These needles are manufactured using high-quality materials that guarantee durability and maintain sterility. Each needle is individually packaged, ensuring a sterile and safe environment.
Acupuncture Needle Benefits
Acupuncture treatment has many advantages and benefits. These are:
- It helps to ease different types of pain.
- It can assist people who can’t use pain medications.
- It can make them more effective when used together with other treatments.
- Acupuncture can work like a painkiller in reducing discomfort.
- It usually causes very few unwanted effects.
- When done correctly, acupuncture is a safe procedure.
Acupuncture Needle Size
Acupuncture Needles come in different sizes for different therapies. The sizes are,
- 25 mm
- 40 mm
- 50 mm
- 60 mm
- 75 mm
Our disposable sterile acupuncture needles are essential for Acupuncturists and physiotherapists who want to give excellent, patient-focused care. These needles are sharp, go smoothly, and come in a clean package. Order now from the Tista Online Shop and get the best product. We sell Robotic Hands for our customers and patients.
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Price in Bangladesh
The latest price of sterile acupuncture needles in Bangladesh is Tk. 600 for 25 mm, Tk. 650 for 40 mm, and Tk. 650 and 75mm is for Tk. 700 for 50 mm. You can Order now from the Tista Shop or visit our store. For more information, call us at 📱+8801996401417.
Nila Ahmed –
Very effective sterile acupuncture needles. fast delivery.